Join Active Gurbani WhatsApp Group links

Join Gurbani WhatsApp group links to get daily Gurbani voice messages, Gurbani Videos, Gurbani cartoons for Kids, and Gurbani Playlists.

If you are looking for the best way to learn Gurbani for kids and toddlers, then these Gurbani WhatsApp Group links are for you. Here you’ll find all the latest Gurbani videos and cartoons, along with some of the best Gurbani websites for kids and toddlers.

Rules to Join Gurbani WhatsApp Groups

  • Do not talk about politics.
  • Respect all the group members.
  • Racists are not for these WhatsApp groups.
  • No adult content will be shared.
  • No political jokes and religious massage.
  • You can join the group at any time.
  • For any help, contact the Admin.
  • Do not send any fake images or videos.

Join Gurbani WhatsApp Group Links

Sukha yadi gangster:




ਮਾਲਵਾ ZONE:

Diwali WhatsApp group links

ਸਰਦਾਰਾਂ ਦਾ group:

Only sidhu Moosewala:

Only Punjabi song:


ਰਾਜ ਕਰੇ ਗਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ:

Punjabi Boys:

team khosa:

Sidhu moose wala:

Devotional WhatsApp group links

Tik tok di yad a rhai h ?:

?PBX ? 1 ਮੂਸੇ WALA▶??:

InsTa like As folowers:

Sidhumoosewala✍ ??:

Active Gurbani WhatsApp Group Links

WMk Zed records Youtub:

Sangeet group:

Music Production Service:

World best business:

Fan sidhumoosewale da:

Talib Hussain Drd Offcial:

Karan aujla da group:

Moosewala legend industry:

 da ni mada sidhu ustad:

Babbu maan fan club:

Typing for U-k:

?YouTube channel spot me?:

??ਮਾਲਵਾ ZONE ??:


Punjab Hub Zone:

Moosewale De Fan:

5 Jodi after pass 300:

Online network marketing:

Jatt boys putt jatta da :

Benefits of Joining Gurbani WhatsApp Group Links

Join Gurmeet Singh Dhir’s Gurbani WhatsApp Groups to get daily Gurbani voice messages, Gurbani videos, and Gurbani cartoons to teach kids Gurbani so that they learn the holy scripture better.


Join a Gurbani WhatsApp group links to get daily Gurbani voice messages, Gurbani videos, and Gurbani cartoons for children to learn and teach the beautiful song of Gurmukhi. It has been proven scientifically that this method of learning is very effective.

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